LED Traffic Countdown Signals
What are the benefits of countdown signals?
LED countdown timers are useful accessory to enhance safety and diminish undesirable behaviour of drivers
and other road users. They indicate the time remaining until red or green phase and thus positively
contribute to better orientation and less risky behaviour of all road users at junctions.
For instance, countdown timers at red lights warning drivers how much time is left before
the light changes can help to ease traffic flow. It was found that the presence of the countdown timers
at the intersection would help to reduce the start-up lost time at the beginning of the green phase by 22%
and reduce the number of red-light violations during the beginning of the red phase by 50%.
Furthermore, more than half of the local drivers reported that the timers help to relieve the frustration caused
by stopping for uncertain amounts of time during the red phase.
The research has shown that after a period of 30 to 45 seconds of waiting, pedestrians become more risky,
impatient and were more likely to cross whenever they could regardless of the pedestrian signal displays.
This risky behavior might be eliminated by presence of countdown timers as pedestrians are aware of
how much time is left.
What countdown timers do we provide?
Variations according to maximum countdown time
9, 99, 199, or999 seconds
Colour Combinations of Digits
Red only,
Green and Red only,
For different kind of applications
large junctions (mounted on lamp post over the junction)
small sized junctions (beside the road or over junction on lamp post)
pedestrian crossings (mounted on lamp post beside crossing)
Housing material
Polycarbonate, Cold-rolled iron, or Aluminium
There are videos available here to show 3 different variations of countdown timers.
First one for large junctions (1), second one for small-sized junction (2) and lastly for pedestrian crossing (3).
Example of using 400mm countdown timer
Comparing traffic signal with and without timer
Comparing pedestrian signal with and without timer
Other countdown timers available:
* 600x400mm - 199 seconds displayed - digits in 3 colors
* 800x600mm - 99 seconds displayed- digits in 3 colors
* 400mm - 99 seconds displayed - digits in 3 colors
Full range of LED countdown timers here.
Sinowatcher Technology Co., Ltd is a professional traffic light supplier, we provide intelligent traffic light, stop go light, traffic control signals, pedestrian safety lights, walk traffic light, traffic signal and etc. Want to know more? Contact us now.
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